I know anyone who has been in Sunday school or church for any time at all has heard this verse many times over. It's actually pretty well-known in the secular world, too. Sadly, though the practice of this verse has fallen by the wayside in our culture. It's a "me, me, me" world out there. It seems like it is getting worse daily, too, as the economy worsens. It's so easy to become selfish and inward when it seems the world is taking and taking and taking some more.
But I don't think Jesus' words here were based on circumstances. It's very clear that He meant for us to do this ALWAYS.
My offering to God: I will perform a kind deed for someone today.
You're right. This is so simple but so often overlooked. There is real happiness that comes from doing something nice for someone. It's always more blessed to give than to receive.
The more kind deeds you do, the more natural and automatic they become!
Welcome to my blog, Rick. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please feel welcome to drop in any time!
Pat, thanks for continuing to check in daily. I hope this isn't becoming monotonous!
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