Saturday, March 07, 2009

Lent, Day 11

" your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you..." Matthew 5:44b

It's easy to pray for our loved ones. We know their needs, know what makes them happy, and we truly love them and desire God's best for them.

But our enemies??? Tough assignment, isn't it? LOVE them? I don't even like them much! But love them we must. And pray for those who persecute us? That's a hard one, too. I don't think we know as much about persecution in our country as Christians in other places. However, there is still an element of this in our nation, too. I have felt it some, personally, after our becoming Catholic. Praying for those who misunderstand us, and sometimes speak ill of us...that's really hard to do. But if we desire our lives to reflect the image of Christ, then love and pray we must.

My offering to God: I will pray for someone who has wronged me.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Praying for someone who has wronged you is one of the hardest things to do. I have done it in the past, and it even feels insincere, but I believe God honors it.
As far as you becoming Catholic, I still love you anyway!!! :)