As humans, we really don't like the term "Lord," since it means Someone has authority over us. Americans especially don't like the idea of bowing to anyone. We are individualists, living in our free nation, and we want to be our own "lords."
But then again, we don't like to see ourselves as weak, in need of Someone to save us. We're self-sufficient in this country! We don't really need anyone! As long as we're pretty good overall, don't murder, lie, cheat, or steal, then we've got it all under control.
Well, it's a theory, anyway.
Actually, I find great freedom in calling Him both Lord and Savior. As my Lord, He looks out for my best interests: what He knows is the very best for me. Yes, it means submitting my will to His, and letting Him be in charge. But since He has my best interests in mind, I can't lose!
As for calling Him Savior...whew. There's more to that word than I could express in hundreds of blog posts. The bottom line is: it's a relief to know I don't have to try to save myself! That sure takes a burden off my shoulders! Don't get me wrong, I do have a part in all this. But the work Christ did on the cross paid for the sins of the world. That includes me! (And you!) In response to that great gift, of course I will live out a life of serving others. Jesus said as much at the Last Supper, as He washed the disciples' feet. He was teaching them how He could be both Lord and Savior: Master and Servant of all. The crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension again show the beauty of Him being Savior and Lord.
There's no debate to it at all. The One who loves me most is the One I long to serve and submit to, as well as recognize the amazing gift of His saving grace.
How great is Your love, O Lord!
I'm on your team! He wears a lot of different hats, and I'm ok with that.
How beautifully written. You expressed just how I feel. Sometimes an act of submission is difficult because we feel like we're losing control, but submiting to Christ is different because like you said, He only wants the best for us.
Great post!
Loved this post. Truly we serve a big God.
Amen! HE is The Savior and The Lord..
Yeshua. ('The Lord saves.')
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