But then it begins. If they don't gain quick access to a "position" of some type, they grumble: I was always asked to sing/teach/lead at my old church! If the pastor/priest/deacon/other leader-type person doesn't pay them special attention, they are being "ignored". If there is something in a sermon/homily that doesn't stroke their ego or support their own private theological positions, then they begin speaking against whoever preached/taught. They become disgruntled if the music isn't as lively as they want it (or as slow and worshipful, or whatever!).
But the final word before they make their grand exit is usually something like this: "I just don't feel the moving of the Holy Spirit here," or "God's presence just isn't that real to me here." Usually followed by an accusation against the pastor/priest/deacon/leader-type person...and then they're gone. Off to another place to see if they can find some more "super spiritual" folks just like themselves!
If you think I'm exaggerating, remember that my husband was a pastor for awhile. I am actually playing it down a bit!
The main issue is that too many church-goers see the whole Christian experience in a very me-centered (well, not ME...them...) way. You know what I mean. It's all about their feelings, their spirituality, and what they can get out of a service. If it isn't giving them chills, tingles, or filling them with the urge to have a "whoopee!" experience, then it just cannot be of God.
The problem with this attitude is that it is all focused on man! For some reason, I don't think that's how it was meant to be. Do you?
Anyone who wants to sit in a pew or chair (or even on the floor!) and just receive is just dead wrong!
It may sound really simplistic, but the words to the song are true: It really is all about Jesus! It really is all about His death and resurrection. It really is all about Him receiving praise and glory and honor as we gather, read His word, and receive of His body and blood. It really is about serving the poor in His name. It really is about showing the world we are Christians by our love. Because the One to whom we give our worship gave the example of being a servant as the way to show the world His love in us.
It's time to settle in and do the work, my friends, as we follow the One whose name we take when we call ourselves "Christian".
I know this is pretty heavy for a Monday. I look forward to your thoughts on this, too.
"We fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus.
The greatness of mercy and love at the feet of Jesus.
And we cry, 'Holy, holy, holy'
We cry 'holy, holy, holy'
We cry 'holy, holy, holy is the Lamb' "*
*Words and music by Chris Tomlin copyright 1998 worshiptogether.com
What can I say but a big AMEN!! you have obviously been there...as have I...and seen this stuff...its really sad...most of modern Christianity is very "me" centered....when i truth its ALL about HIM...great post!
Having spent a lifetime in church, I can identify with everything you say. It's always been there, but I think it's more evident now and people feel more free to "be themselves"....which may be a little bit of the problem. We were born to praise, worship and honor God...it isn't supposed to be about us. We will always have those who say "God told me I can't stay" or "I don't feel the spirit here" ~ it's not our place, nor does it do one bit of good to argue with "God told me".
This wasn't heavy for Monday - you wrote the truth and I appreciate your honesty.
I so hear you!
That stuff drives me batty. I don't know how pastors deal with that stuff.
I wonder what Jesus would say about this issue?
Is the problem really only in the modern church or have people always lost focus throughout history?
When we come across people like this, how should we respond?
I know those people, but I don't want to point fingers because I've got issues regarding church, too. For most of my adulthood I've been struggling with a condition I call being a "so-so Christian." I've never been that involved and usually attend church only when it's convenient for me.
I've joined a couple of ministries because I want to be obedient to God's word, but I also did it for selfish reasons: to teach my children the importance of church and to make it more exciting for me.
Guess I could use some of that "whoopee!"
I think the best way to handle people like this is to 1)be careful they don't draw you into their attitude (avoid listening to their gripes!) 2) pray for them to be settled down by the Holy Spirit. They can cause so much division. Encouraging them in word and deed is good, too.
I totally understand what you're saying. There's really nothing wrong with God giving us some "whoopee!" experiences. It's just that when that is our focus, that's when it's wrong.
Thank you all for the great thoughts!
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