One week ago, we were all rejoicing at the glory of Christ's resurrection. We recalled His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We mourned as we remembered His cruel death. We waited in silence, as we called to mind His time in the grave. On Sunday, though, we were full of joy as we relived the discovery of an empty tomb. There it is. One more Easter in the books. Let's move along and bide our time until Memorial Day. Check off another holiday!
Not so fast!
In the Catholic Church, we celebrate a time known as the Octave of Easter. Eight days of singing the Gloria! and letting forth a resounding Alleluia! Today, on the eighth day, we celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy. How glorious it is to call to mind the great mercy of God, who sent His Son for our salvation. Check off another holy day!
Not so fast!
This is just the beginning! We also celebrate not just one day, but a season of fifty days of Easter! From Easter Sunday, we spend the next 7 weeks delighting in the goodness of His life, which brings us life. After 40 days of fasting, alms giving, and prayer, we take this period of time to express our thanks to God. At the end of these fifty days, we will reach another wonderful time: Pentecost.
Maybe it's a bit too soon to put away the pastel decorations and toss the Easter lily.
We are all on the journey of life. These are my thoughts along my journey...with God, in my faith, with my family, and my friends.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020
The World Through My Eyes

One would think, then, that with the worldwide pandemic situation, I would be a mess. All the usual things should be plaguing me: Who else is going to contract coronavirus? How many more people will die? What if one of my family members shows symptoms? What if life has changed forever? What if this quickly-moving virus has stolen everything we thought we knew?
I can honestly say, though, this has not happened to me. I am naturally concerned. I do worry some when I feel like people are basically "thumbing their noses" to all the advice given by the medical professionals. On a GOOD day, washing our hands, covering our coughs, drinking plenty of fluids, etc., is great advice. These steps help protect us from the common cold, flu, and other viruses. After having gone through two fairly rough battles with two different strains of influenza, I will testify to the necessity of these basic hygiene steps. They are a bulwark again any germ that strives to grow
But these are not "good" days in our world, are they? Millions of people have contracted COVID-19. Over 100,000 people have died. Healthcare workers and hospitals are stretched beyond their limits. Businesses have been shut down. Unemployment has skyrocketed. We have learned a new "normal" as we have adapted to social distancing, staying at home, washing and rewashing our hands, sanitizing surfaces repeatedly, and watching the reports to see how the fight against this pandemic is progressing.
But, I'm not worried. I have had one small panic attack during this entire ordeal, and it wasn't directly related to all of this. It was just a normal life thing.
How is that possible?!
The answer can be found in today's Gospel reading from Luke 24:
"While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'”
The world of Jesus's disciples had been turned upside down. He had been arrested, crucified, and buried. The tomb was now empty. They weren't completely sure what to do or believe. Then, He came to them. Knowing the turmoil in their hearts, His first words: "Peace be with you" spoke to the core of their beings.
The same risen Lord is speaking that to us today as well. He knows the world is crazy. He knows there is disease, anxiety, confusion, and despair. Yet He still speaks those simple words, "Peace be with you." He has overcome the grave. We no longer need to fear death.
"Peace be with you!"
Monday, April 13, 2020
The Light Shines in the Darkness
As a continuation of my last post from Holy Saturday...
Everything seemed dark for the followers of Jesus. It had all come crashing down so suddenly. The joyful celebration of Palm Sunday had so quickly turned into the frightening, tear-filled night of Holy Thursday. The ruthless death of crucifixion had taken Him from them. Three years of learning, growing, sacrificing...and for what? The future loomed ahead with so many unanswered questions.
Early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene came to them with the craziest notion: she had seen the Lord. Alive. He spoke to her. There were angels as well, telling her not to seek the living among the dead. What was this nonsense? Peter and John ran to the tomb. Someone must have stolen the body of Jesus, and was playing some kind of cruel trick.
But stepping into the darkened space, they saw something beyond belief. There was no longer a body of a dead Man. There was the simple burial cloth, folded and set aside. If someone had stolen His body, they wouldn't have taken the time to do that, would they?
So many questions. Mary's answer didn't seem plausible. Yet she was so emphatic that she had actually seen Jesus and heard His voice. Could it be? How could it be?
Two other disciples showed up with another impossible story. A man had been walking along the road to Emmaus with them. When they stopped for their evening meal, they invited the man to stay with them. As the time approached for the blessing, they asked their visitor to pray. In His actions, they began to know and truly see. As soon as He left them (disappeared, they said!), they returned to Jerusalem to tell the eleven disciples. Is this really happening? It all seemed too incredible to be true!
And then, in the darkness of their fear, disbelief, and suspicions, He was there. In the very room where they sat, He suddenly appeared. The room was immediately filled with a new light!
"Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, 'Peace to you.' But they were startled and frightened, and supposed that they saw a spirit. And he said to them, 'Why are you troubled, and why do questionings rise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have.' And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said to them, 'Have you anything here to eat?' They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate before them."
As John would later testify, "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—the life was made manifest, and we saw it, and testify to it, and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was made manifest to us—that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you may have fellowship with us; and our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ."
There would still be doubts and questions in the coming days. But now they had all seen Him, heard His voice, witnessed His wounds, and observed Him eating a piece of fish. His light had pierced the darkness of their despair.
Though they had thought His story had ended at the cross, they could now see that it really began at that empty tomb!

Early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene came to them with the craziest notion: she had seen the Lord. Alive. He spoke to her. There were angels as well, telling her not to seek the living among the dead. What was this nonsense? Peter and John ran to the tomb. Someone must have stolen the body of Jesus, and was playing some kind of cruel trick.
But stepping into the darkened space, they saw something beyond belief. There was no longer a body of a dead Man. There was the simple burial cloth, folded and set aside. If someone had stolen His body, they wouldn't have taken the time to do that, would they?
So many questions. Mary's answer didn't seem plausible. Yet she was so emphatic that she had actually seen Jesus and heard His voice. Could it be? How could it be?
Two other disciples showed up with another impossible story. A man had been walking along the road to Emmaus with them. When they stopped for their evening meal, they invited the man to stay with them. As the time approached for the blessing, they asked their visitor to pray. In His actions, they began to know and truly see. As soon as He left them (disappeared, they said!), they returned to Jerusalem to tell the eleven disciples. Is this really happening? It all seemed too incredible to be true!

"Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, 'Peace to you.' But they were startled and frightened, and supposed that they saw a spirit. And he said to them, 'Why are you troubled, and why do questionings rise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have.' And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said to them, 'Have you anything here to eat?' They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate before them."
As John would later testify, "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—the life was made manifest, and we saw it, and testify to it, and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was made manifest to us—that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you may have fellowship with us; and our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ."
There would still be doubts and questions in the coming days. But now they had all seen Him, heard His voice, witnessed His wounds, and observed Him eating a piece of fish. His light had pierced the darkness of their despair.
Though they had thought His story had ended at the cross, they could now see that it really began at that empty tomb!
"In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:4-5
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Stunned Silence
As we observe this Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday
(followed by Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday), Maundy
Thursday (Holy Thursday), Good Friday (Holy Friday), and Holy Saturday), there
is the gamut of emotions.

The religious leaders recognized the center of attention
right away. They, too, knew the stories
of His miracles and teachings. This was
no ordinary man. Most of the leaders
felt threatened by His mere presence.
And here He was, riding on a donkey, and accepting the acclamation given
by the people. They tried to put a stop
to it at once. From Luke 19:39-40: “And some of the Pharisees in the multitude
said to him, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples.’ He answered, ‘I tell you, if
these were silent, the very stones would cry out.’” The mood of the crowd does not appear to have
been dampened in the least.
On the following day, Jesus taught in the temple, answered
the questions meant to entrap Him, and did not shy away from public
attention. I’m sure many in Jerusalem
were further intrigued by the authority of the teachings given by this
Man. He was welcomed into the Holy City
with shouts of triumph. The leaders
seemed to be against Him. And yet, here
He was in the temple, teaching publicly.
He even tossed over some tables, and not a finger was laid on Him! (see Luke 19:45-48)

Judas began showing his true colors over the next
few days, as he proceeded back into the city and cut a deal with the chief
priests. “What will you give me if I
deliver Him to you?” That day, thirty
pieces of silver became the price of more than one life.
As the Feast of Passover approached, Jesus gave
instructions for the celebration of the Seder (a Jewish ritual service and
ceremonial dinner). A room was secured,
provisions purchased, and preparations made.
Perhaps they felt a bit of hopefulness in the traditions being
practiced. Surely Jesus was merely tired
when He kept speaking of His impending death?
The Passover was a time to rejoice and celebrate the release from
Jesus began the evening by washing the feet of
His disciples. This was usually the job
of the lowest of servants. Yet here He
was on bended knee, washing the dust and filth from their feet, and wiping them
dry with a towel. Obviously, this made
His followers very uncomfortable. Peter
even decried the actions. Jesus made it
very clear that this was an important moment, though. This was an action He wanted them to imitate,
as they learned to serve each other as well as any others under their care.
He then spoke of a betrayal that would take
place. No one seemed to see Judas as a
suspect, as they all questioned Him, “Is it I?”
Almost immediately after this, Judas went away to fulfill his agreement
with the leaders. Where was Judas
going? Was he taking an offering to the
poor in observance of this holy feast?

Following the meal, they went out to the Kidron
valley to pray. There is a garden there,
at the foot of the Mount of Olives.
There, Jesus walked away to pray by Himself. There, He fought the final battle. Upon His return to His disciples, He found
them sleeping. It had been a long day,
filled with the final preparations for their celebration. Still, could they not pray with Him for even
one hour? Surely they felt embarrassed.
From this point, events began to happen in rapid
succession. The temple guards, led by
Judas, came into the garden. Judas
kissed Jesus. Peter cut off a servant’s
ear. Jesus healed the man. Then, He was bound and taken away. The disciples ran, supposing they too could
be arrested. John alone followed at a
Later, Peter would find his way into the
courtyard of the building where Jesus had been taken.
He would be filled with shame, as, when
questioned by others, he would deny even knowing Jesus.
All too soon, morning arrived, and Jesus was
taken by the leaders to Pilate, then to Herod, and back again to Pilate. In an attempt to appease the crowds, yet not
condemn an innocent man, Pilate offered to release Jesus. It was a common act of good will at each
year’s Passover. But the leaders stirred
up the crowd, and they shouted, “Away with Him!
Give us Barabbas!” Upon further
insistence of this Man’s innocence, they responded to Pilate with even more
vigor, “Crucify Him!”
And so it was.
He was scourged (a horrible, brutal whipping). He was mocked. He was crowned with a thorny wreath. He was spit upon. His blood oozed from wounds which marred His
entire body. He was given a cross to
carry. His weakened, battered body was
given a burden so cruel. Yet the bigger
burden was unseen, for He was carrying the very sin of the world on His
In the end, His was a death common to so many others who were crucified. He was nailed to the crossbeam, both through His hands and feet. The cross was lifted for all to see. He was mocked, even by others suffering the same fate. There was a difference, though. This Man called out for His Father to forgive his tormentors. He offered no words of anger or revilement. There was no response to the accusations of, “He saved others. Let Him come down from the cross and save Himself.” He answered not a word.
With His last breath, He spoke the simple words:
“It is finished (accomplished, consummated).”
Then He bowed His head and died.
In the moments after His death, Joseph of Arimathea asked for
Jesus’s body to be given to him. The
women who were there followed him, and Nicodemus provided the spices and oils
to prepare His body for burial. The
religious leaders asked for a guard and a seal for the tomb.
So there they were.
Holy Saturday. A day of stunned
silence. All the hopes and dreams of the
past three years seem to be as dead as the Man who invoked them. They didn’t know the end of the story. They only knew what they could observe. He was dead.
Their lives were more than likely at risk as well. Judas hanged himself. All seemed lost.
They hid in stunned silence.
As we have journeyed through this Lent and the
COVID-19 situation at the same time, you may be feeling somewhat similar
emotions. Our world has come to an
almost standstill. Our usual
preparations for celebrating Easter have been stifled by an invisible, yet
very real enemy. Our hopes may seem as
buried in despair as the hopes of the disciples almost 2,000 years ago. Have you experienced the gamut of emotions they
felt during that first Holy Week? Are you feeling that stunned silence?
Have great hope, my friends. He has promised a resurrection. Not just His own, but ours as well.
It may seem like a silent, Holy Saturday. But Sunday is most assuredly on the way!
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