If you've read my blog for any time at all, you know I used to home school my two boys. It was a wonderful five years, but it was definitely stressful. This year, they are both attending our parochial school. It was a big adjustment (and sometimes still is), but overall, they are doing well.
Since the time we made the decision to send them to school, I have had many people ask, "Well, now that they are going to be gone all day, what are you going to do with yourself? Are you going to get a job? You're going to be so lonely there by yourself. Won't you get bored?" I have to admit, too, that these are some of the same questions I asked myself! However, I decided to take it slowly. I haven't been "just" a wife and mom for over five years, since I was also "full-time teacher".
My life has settled into a routine of sorts, with laundry, housecleaning, and groceries taking up most of my daytime hours. Evenings are spent helping the boys with homework and projects, church activities, and preparing for the next day. (Soon, there will be baseball practice added into this mix.) Certainly a fairly full schedule, but nothing overly exciting!
So, I began looking for a job that might work with all our schedules. I first considered a position at their school. However, my computer skills and the demand of the job were both deterrents. Then, I came across a job at the local library: outreach assistant. Which basically was someone to help with the Bookmobile and other associated programs our library offers. It sounded really good, too. The pay was great, and the hours: only 20 per week. Perfect, right? So I filled out the application, and was given an interview. I showed up early, and was handed a job description to look over while I waited for the interview to begin. Well, that was the clincher. "Must be available evenings and weekends." The only time I have to spend with my husband and kids. Hmm. I did go ahead with the interview, and apologized to the three women who conducted the interview. As I told them, my family has to come first. I left the interview with a sense of relief. But something else, too...
The next day, when my boys came home from school all full of stories from their day, I was so thankful to be there, sharing that moment. The first thought that crossed my mind was: I wouldn't trade this job for anything in the world! But still...
That short job interview did something for me. It reminded me that I am an intelligent adult. It reminded me that I could get a job if I really had to. It reminded me that there is more to the world than laundry, meals, etc. But it also reminded me that I am right where God wants me!
In the Catholic church, we have something called "vocations". Many see that as a calling to priesthood, being a nun, or the "religious life" (monks, etc.). And it is. But it also includes those who are married and/or parents. That is a vocation! Truly! We are in a time of praying for vocations. That includes exactly what I am doing each and every day. I pray that more women would sense this as a true calling from God. For I have felt a renewed sense of that in my spirit over the past couple of weeks. What a wonderful privilege to be called to the vocation of motherhood.
Don't get me wrong. I know there are many women who work an outside job and do an excellent job of parenting their children. I just pray that the children and their marriage are their top priority.
I am so thankful for the place God has given me, and allowed me the opportunity to be the mother to our two sons...and a wife to my wonderful husband. That's what really matters.
Thi is a great post Joni! It s so true that fulfillment and accomlishement are really fund within the home. It really is a vocation!
Oh, how I wish more moms could see the wonderful benefit to staying at home with their kids.I truly believe that our nation wouldn't be experiencing the ills that now pervade our society if more women saw motherhood as a vocation. My hat's off to you, Joni for figuring this out. I'm sure a lot of single moms would like to stay home, but have to work because of lack o' daddy around. Again, our "do my own thing" society has somehow encouraged men to leave their positions of leadership in the home and the responsibilities there. Sad. I think the whole thing has developed because of taking God out of our society.
I'm so blessed when I see a family that has built itself around their relationship with God.
God bless you and your husband (and your boys too!)
You go, Joni! My wife and I talk about this often. Really, it was the Catholic view of vocation (so beautifully articulated by JP2) that initially drew us into the Church. You simply MUST listen to this talk by Jennifer Roback Morse:
Beautiful post Joni, I can really relate to what you are experiencing. I was a stay at home mom - though I loved every minute of it, and took pride in caring for our children and home, there were times I felt "less" then women who worked outside of the home. There are times I wish I would have pursued some part time work,just for the financial aspect, but it's too far in the past to worry about! The most important job is mother and wife, if you mess those up, there's no "do-overs". Congratulations on realizing that you are at this time, just where God wants you to be.
Good for you!
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