She began interchanging the terms "centering prayer" and "contemplative prayer". Something didn't ring true with this. I talked to my husband about it some, because he is more familiar with theological terms. I also asked another blogger, who blogs about theological matters, if he could do a post on contemplative prayer. Upon seeing my request, yet another blogging buddy (Hidden One) suggested an article on contemplative prayer. That article helped me understand it all a bit more clearly.
Contemplative prayer has been a practice since the early days of Christianity. In contrast to "centering" prayer, though, contemplative prayer focuses on God, His Word, and shutting ourselves in with Him, as He reveals Himself and our own hearts to us (see Matthew 6:6; Psalm 139--especially vs. 23, 24; Psalm 26:2). Holy men and women of God throughout the ages have known that a time of meditating on God's Word, praying for His Spirit to search them, and being in a place of quiet were imperative when it came to truly drawing nearer to God.
The first blogger I mentioned went on to post later that prayer is simply us talking to God. We cannot expect God to speak to us, other than that He speaks through His Word. According to her belief, He speaks no more. I was not the only one who questioned this line of thinking, as even Scripture indicates that we are to seek God's direction in prayer. It also made me wonder how the early Christians had direction from God, since the Bible was not canonized for quite some time. They had to rely on the scriptures of the Old Testament, the teachings of the Apostles, and the direction of the Holy Spirit.
I finally had to make the decision to stay out of the fray. Any comments I left were either ignored or seen as being critical of her stand. (The link I provided to the aforementioned article was seen as "too Catholic". Sorry about that. I AM Catholic! :o) ) Truly, though, any posts I left were typed out of concern. It bothered me that this dear woman thought that she cannot hear from God, other than what she reads in her Bible. So does this mean we hear nothing from a sermon? We hear no words of wisdom from other believers? We are not to be led by the voice of God's Holy Spirit, whom Jesus left for us (to guide us into all truth)? Of course, anything must be tested by Scripture. God would never direct us in a way that contradicts His Word.
I guess this has all just left me in a bit of a haze...a theological fog, if you will.
I appreciate all thoughts and insights. I certainly did not want to antagonize this blogger. But it made me wonder what others might have to say on the issue? So, feel free to chime in!
*I have purposely chosen not to reveal the blog or blogger here. I felt this was best.
I'm not familiar with all th terms out there but in the past 10-15 yrs I have become acquainted with the type of prayer you describe as contemplative..I have found it to be revolutionizing to my Christian is sad to think that so many Christians and i mean SO many believe that the only way to hear from God is through Scripture...yes this is a wonderful source..but what good is the Spirit within if He does not speak and guide our lives living Christ through us. Contemplative prayer or whatever it is had certainly opened my eyes to the certain reality that He is indeed alive and living with in me and within other believers..i can hear HIm and even see Him if I have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I am still trying to find more resources, as I'm learning more about all this.
Thank you so much for your input, Cheryl. I hope others chime in as well.
I have to read further into these issues, very interesting.
One other point - please correct me if I misunderstood, didn't I read that you were raised A/G, but do I understand that you are now Catholic?
As one raised A/G I was just curious ~ just like George!
Yep, that's true!
I am not very familiar with centering prayer. I am a bit more familiar with contemplative prayer. In my mind they are not the same thing.
Centering prayer involves bringing oneself into a state of peace, tranquility, etc. It is used in other religions. I don't think some of those practices would be compatible with Christian practice. Nevertheless, some principles may be borrowed for benefit.
To sit, or kneel, for some time in silence, focus on one's own breathing, and relaxing to such a degree as to gain a certain peace that allows for communion with God does not sound like a bad idea.
Contemplative prayer is just that: communion with God. It is beyond words, description, or even cognitive apprehension. It just is. And that is the beauty of it. There we experience that wonderful and joyful communion with the Lord that we all long for.
Those are all great thoughts and insights. Thank you so much. I'm going to try to find this book the other blogger mentioned, just to get a better idea of what centering prayer is about. I'll share my thoughts more later.
Thank you all!
Regardless of what it is or what it's called, I really think that the focus must be on God.
How do you tune in to God's will if "prepare for prayer" by focussing on yourself?
How do you hear God's voice when you are too busy listening to your own?
In my opinion, anything that takes focus away from God is not good cognitive practice.
Hey Joni! I learned a lot about centering prayer and its dangers from a Catholic Answers radio show program on it. The guest was a former practitioner of centering prayer, and so she spoke with the authority of first-hand knowledge. She new a lot about the history of it, too. Here's a link to the radio show and here's a link to an article in Catholic Answers' This Rock magazine about the dangers of centering prayer. And here's a link to some really juicy responses to that article. The jist of what I remember is that centering prayer is based on eastern religious practices which are incongruous with how we are made up. The goal is to become empty, instead of filled by God...which is the goal of contemplative prayer. The great leaders of contemplative prayer are in the Carmelite order...St. Therese of Lisieux, St. John of the Cross, St. Therese of Avila
To add to Keith's comments, there's a difference between clearing our minds of all the junk from the world and "becoming empty".
Clearing out the garbage helps us to focus on God and let in the Holy Spirit. Also, God helps us to clear out the junk and be filled with Him. But it's still not the same as becoming empty.
Did I say that in a way that makes sense?
I really appreciate all the comments. I have requested some books on the topic from our library. I'll do some more reading, listening, etc. and let you all know what I come up with. This is something I had never heard of until the blog I mentioned.
Hey, Keith R., you're back in blogland!
On the off-chance I can be of any further help, I'd like to make note of a very knowledgeable and spiritually mature seminarian who blogs at He has done a long series on prayer, and actually, the post that attracted me to his blog initially was on Lectio Divina ( which is definately one of the 'highest forms' of contemplative prayer.
Well, I hope his posts can be of help to you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Hidden One
Hey Joni...just make sure those books are from publishers that are faithful to the they will teach what the Church teaches. Fr. Thomas Dubay's books (from Ignatius Press) are really good. Fire Within is a modern classic. And there's also Prayer Primer and Deep Conversion.
Thanks again for the suggestions. Still wading through it all. I actually wanted to check out some books by those really involved in the current "centering prayer" movement, just to see what they have to say for themselves. I also read an intersting article by John Michael Talbot. Not sure I agree completely, but it was interesting.
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