Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Journey Continues...

I know, I know. I've been neglecting my blogs! I think of them often, but time is lacking. As my bloggy friends know, I'm back to work for the fall. I keep hoping that once I hit my "winter break" in a couple of months, I can get caught up on blogland once again.

I have to admit, too, that Facebook is a lot easier for me these days. I can be on there for about 5 minutes, let the world know I'm alive, and get on with the day. It has been nice to connect with some of my blogging friends there, too (Laurie, Laura, Paula, Lin, Harry, Mair, Patty, Janice, Pat, Cheryl, David, Keith, of them is my hubby!).

Be assured, though, friends, I will not be away forever. I have had a passion to write since I was quite young. Can't get rid of me for too long!


Pat said...

Sorry our opportunity to meet for breakfast fizzed out, but there's always the next time!! We both have to take our vitamines and stay well!
Have a great week ahead!

Blessings each day said...

Good to see you popping in once in awhile and I surely know how busyness can easily take away from blog time. Haven't yet taken the plunge with Facebook, kind of afraid I wouldn't take time to blog then.

blessings and hugs,
