Thursday, January 05, 2012


Even though, in the midst of all my anxiety, I don't always "feel" His love...

I am still amazed that He loves me so much.

I am amazed by You, my dear Jesus!


Paula said...

Beautiful Joni ~ Not only your link, but what you said.

You may have seen on fb that I was in a car accident a few weeks ago. It really shook me up. I felt unprotected and even angry with God even though logically I truly believe He kept those of us safe from what could have been life-threatening. I spent lots of night just telling the Lord that I wanted to trust. I wanted to feel Him close. I wanted HIM. But I was so beat up I just felt hurt and anger toward Him that I didn't even want to feel. I'm not completely over some of that, but He has given me some sweet peace inside, some songs on my heart, that I know were not of me. Saying a prayer right now for the same for you. Your faith in the hard time of not feeling Him is a testimony to us all. You are beautiful!!

Margie said...

I love this song! He amazes me too! EVERYDAY!