Today we celebrate the conversion of St. Paul. (see Acts 9 and Acts 22) It is an incredible story of a man (Saul) set on exposing the truth while he was unknowingly fighting against the truth. He was a devout Jewish leader, searching for those who would teach against the Laws he knew so well. The conclusion of his journey (and the beginning of a new path) came unexpectedly as he traveled to Damascus, seeking those of the Christian faith. Light pierced the sky, a voice spoke from heaven, he was unseated from his horse, and an encounter with the risen Jesus took place. He gained a new perspective and a new name (Saul became Paul). He met a man (Ananias) who prayed for the scales to be removed from Paul's eyes (both figuratively and literally). He baptized Paul, and introduced him to the Man behind the voice. In that moment, Paul saw the fulfillment of all he had been taught. His Messiah had come, and had a mission for Paul.
"The God of our fathers appointed you to know His will, to see the Just One and to hear a voice from His mouth; for you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard." (Acts 22:14-15)
This story brought back to me the words of Rich Mullins' song, "Higher Education." What does it mean to be human? Saul thought he had it all figured out. He was religiously following the teaching of his fathers. He was persecuting anyone who taught otherwise. And yet, something was missing. He wasn't truly all God had created him to be.
In the words of Rich Mullins:
"Well, I do not know that we can have a Heaven
Here on earth, but I am sure we need not have a Hell either
What does it mean to be human? I cannot help but believe that it means
We are spiritual - that we are responsible and that we are free - that
We are responsible to be free."
On that road, and as he encountered Ananias and Barnabas, Paul learned what it truly meant to be free. He discovered the Truth. And the Truth set him free.