Facebook has become so much easier. A few sentences, and everyone is caught up on my life. But it just doesn't have the "got the writing out of me" satisfaction that I have gained from blogging all these years.
This week is one of those that makes life interesting. It stretched my faith and keeps me on my knees.
My husband came down with a cold-type thing last week, which turned into bronchitis. Earlier this week, the germs caught up with me.
On Monday, my car began making horrible noises. The mechanic discovered a few problems with the exhaust system. That meant a trip to a muffler shop. There are more repairs that will need to be made ASAP--don't want to lose the transmission or gas tank in the middle of winter, right? After taking care of all that, I came home and went straight to bed. Those nasty germs.
That evening, we supported our local library by ordering Chipotle. In the middle of that meal, a piece of one of my teeth broke off. Yep.

I also received results of blood work. I have too much bad cholesterol, too little good cholesterol, and my blood sugar is too high.
The things I hate dealing with the most--car problems, doctor appointments, and dental appointments--all hit in one week.
Just trying to remind myself that no matter what happens, God is still in control. My kids are safe. There are more cars. The tooth can be repaired. I CAN eat a healthier diet and exercise regularly! And the necessary funds for all this will be provided.
God is good!
How has your week gone???