I have heard those in the news media trying to give their own insights. Some are wondering why it is that "only" 10 were killed and there is an uproar, when over 300 people have been killed in Chicago in 2015, and we hear little about it?
Why was a 5-month old baby killed yesterday, as the car she was in was hit by bullets meant for others? She is one of several victims in a series of shootings in Cleveland. It only proves that the size of a town or city does not cause or prevent violence.
My question is, "Why isn't there outrage at every...single...violent...death?"
I won't pretend to have the answers. Because, honestly, there isn't a simple one. No matter how much it's analyzed and discussed, investigated and examined, the truth is, we will never know all the "why's" of such brutality. Why is it that we live in a world that sees life of so little consequence that shooting others is a commonplace way of expending our rage? Why is it that babies are aborted every day by the hands of medical professionals who were sworn to save lives, not take them?
(Some have said that legalizing abortion made an improvement in our society. I can't even begin to see any reasoning for that. How can killing innocents ever improve anything? Safe abortions are still abortions.)
Some would say the answer is more gun control. Statistically, though, that doesn't pan out. Chicago and New York City have some of the tightest laws on gun ownership, yet still have very high rates of shootings per capita. So to this I say, what we might need are more ways to keep guns away from criminals. I don't know the answer, though. I don't claim to know how that can be done.
Some would say the answer is more security in schools. Well, that might help with school shootings. But what about the streets? What about businesses where an irate employee returns to take revenge? There are not enough security guards to place in every business in every town on every street of the country.
Some would say we need less prescriptions for mental health and more counseling. That also might help. I don't know much on this topic. I do know that the old days of simply institutionalizing anyone with mental issues are a thing of the past, and that great strides have been made in understanding the human psyche. How to deal with all the current issues, I have no idea.
I do know that we need to pray for our nation. This I know.