2013 has been quite the year for our family (both immediate and extended). As my previous post stated, there have been some stormy seas to navigate.
Lest I make you think our year has been one of gloom and doom, though, I thought I'd share some of the amazing things we have seen in the past months.
1) Our youngest son received an incredible scholarship to the high school he wanted to attend.
2) When that school didn't work out for him in the end, God provided so many resources, in a very short amount of time, so that we could transition him to home schooling.
3) Our oldest son was accepted into the college of his choice.
4) Family members have discovered that faith in God is the only way to truly survive in the tough times. New faith for some; restored faith for others.
5) One weekend, when (due to a clerical error on my part), we found our bank account a bit short on funds, we received a check in the mail--that we shouldn't have received for several days. Just in time.
6) In the midst of some very trying times, God has strengthened some familial relationships in ways we could never have imagined.

6) About a month ago, our car's transmission went kaput. Since a new transmission was worth more than the car, we knew it was "that time." Three days later, we received an
envelope in the mail, with no return address. Inside was another
envelope. When that one was opened, we discovered a little note. One
side said, "God bless you." The other side said, "To help defray the
cost of a new car." Also in that envelope: a cashier's check...
for $4,000! (Yes, there are three zeroes in that number!) Very, very few people knew
7) Due to this contribution and others, we were able to buy a very nice, used Toyota Camry, which we LOVE. (I know. How can one love a machine? If you've been there, done that, then you know!)
of our need for a new car. We still have absolutely no idea where the money came from.
And so, in light of these answers to prayer, we are continuing to pray for a miracle for