So here's the deal: I know there are people who really don't know "me". I mean the intents of my heart and words and actions and everything. I'm not sure my poor husband even does! :o) I try my best to convey these things to those around me, so as not to be misunderstood. I want to show the love of Christ to everyone--even those who don't want it or want to return the same to me.
Here's a list of things some people really don't know about me:
- I am very sensitive. My feelings are hurt easily. My mom has said she rarely raised her voice with me, because simply speaking to me would do the trick. I love deeply, but it doesn't take much to wound me, either. The wrong word, the wrong level of voice, or the wrong facial expression. I take it all so personally.
- I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. To a fault. "They didn't really mean it that way. Even though it hurt my feelings, I don't think they were trying to do that at all." Which means I often allow myself to be a rug.

- I love my faith. I have been questioned many times about the reasons we became Catholic. All I can say is, the more I grow in my faith, the more I love it. There is such a depth to the history, the mysteries, and the Sacraments. I will never be able to mine out all the treasures, but I sure love trying!
- I do not hate Protestants. This should go without saying. But there are some people who don't believe that. Hello! Most of my family is Protestant. Do you think I started hating them the second I became Catholic? Seriously? I have the most wonderful family and in-laws. They are amazing people! (They love me, after all! :o) )
- I love animals. Well, maybe not the icky ones like snakes. But it's not a hate issue here. Just an avoidance issue! I love all things "nature": flowers, plants, bugs, stars, clouds, etc. I'm not saying I'll hold all those things. Just that they fill me with wonder.
- I love small children. They are blessings from God, and so full of joy and innocence. I love making them smile and seeing the beauty of their excitement. We can learn so much from kids.

- I didn't "wait" to have kids out of some selfish desire to have a career. We had given up hope of every having children--and then God surprised us twice with great miracles. God gifted us with two boys, for which I am so very, very thankful. I have to say, though, I don't like the question that emphasizes the word "only." (As in, "So, you
only have two boys?") No, I HAVE two boys...and would have taken more, if that had been God's plan!
- I am a natural tom-boy. As a kid, I climbed trees, tried my best to build a tree house, climbed over and on top of every building possible on our family's farm, and...loved, loved, loved riding my dirt bike. Yep. Even in the winter.
- I am a girly girl on the inside. Sometimes it comes out...
- I am scared to death of storms! I try to be brave, but I hate dark clouds, lightning, and wind. Don't even think about tornadoes without shuddering.
- I don't hate gays, lesbians, adulterers, or pyro-maniacs. Really. I'm throwing this in due to the misconceptions of some on social media. I don't agree with the lifestyle, but I sure don't hate anyone. I don't agree with taking illicit drugs, either, but I don't hate people who do. And for a little extra info.: We used to live in Detroit. I was around people of every imaginable lifestyle, including transvestites. Trust me, I have seen a lot in the past 25 years or so. When I was in college, I could be found on Commercial Street every Friday night, ministering to the homeless, transient, alcoholics, and drug addicts. I hurt for those people, and wanted to bring them hope. My husband was also on staff at Detroit Teen Challenge. We ministered to people who were trying to break free from drugs, alcohol, and many other addictions (including sex, etc.). It was hard, but it was worth it.
So now you know a bit more about me. And there is so much more. That's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.
And it takes me back to the question: If you really know so little about me, what about God? As much as we all think we know about Him, how much do we really, really
know? I have to say, the more I know Him, the more I am amazed at how much I don't know Him!
More on this subject in my next post...
"I am Your servant; give me understanding, that I may know Your testimonies."
Psalm 119:125