John Newton, who is famous for having written the hymn, "Amazing Grace," also wrote the following poem.
The Kite and Its String
Once on a time a paper kite
Was mounted to a wondrous height,
Where, giddy with its elevation,
It thus expressed self-admiration:
"See how yon crowds of gazing people
Admire my flight above the steeple;
How would they wonder if they knew
All that a kite like me can do!
Were I but free, I'd take a flight,
And pierce the clouds beyond their sight,
But, ah! like a poor pris'ner bound,
My string confines me near the ground;
I'd brave the eagle's towering wing,
Might I but fly without a string."
It tugged and pull, while thus it spoke,
To break the string--at last it broke.
Deprived at once of all its stay,
In vain it tried to soar away;
Unable its own weight to bear,
It fluttered downward through the air;
Unable its own course to guide,
The winds soon plunged it in the tide.
Ah! foolish kite, thou hadst no wing,
How could'st thou fly without a string!
My heart replied, "O Lord, I see
How much this kite resembles me!
Forgetful that by thee I stand,
Impatient of thy ruling hand;
How oft I've wished to break the lines
Thy wisdom for my lot assigns?
How oft indulged a vain desire
For something more, or something higher?
And, but for grace and love divine,
A fall thus dreadful had been mine."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
There are so many "strings" in our lives. There are things that seem to hold us back from the "freedom" for which we long. We want to break free from all those strings that are keeping us from our longings. But as the kite, we realize that those "strings" are God's safety lines for us. They are the relationships, responsibilities, etc. that God puts in our lives to anchor us. Much like a marionette, we are not useful without all the strings...and the hand of God guiding them in His most masterful way.
So the line, "with no strings attached"...isn't always a good thing!