Friday, September 29, 2006

Where, Oh Where...?

I'm still alive, dear friends. Just haven't had the time nor the brain power to jot down a new post. I shall return!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Words to the Wise

I'm a home school mom. Or should I say, a mom that home schools? Overall, it's a great experience. Especially when I see that little "light" come on, and they "get" something. When they grasp some new concept. Those are the wonderful moments.

But then...there are the not-so-wonderful moments. When I have to leave the room for a brief period of time. With instructions to the boys: "Go ahead and work on your spelling (or handwriting, or math, or whatever!). I'll be right back. Don't bother each other. Just do your work." To which I get the angelic response, "Yes, ma'am." Ahh. Life is sweet.


When I come back, just a short time later, life is anything but angelic! Sometimes it involves flying pencils, erasers, crayons, children...take your pick! Other times, it is simply that there was too much silence in the room when I left. They just have to tell each other something really, really important--right now!

Usually, the first words that come out of my mouth are, "STOP TALKING!!!" Sometimes it works; sometimes, the words need more reinforcement.

When God looks at me, going along in life, keeping busy with all my "whatever": making phone calls, paying bills, schooling my kids, cleaning my house, cooking meals, checking my e-mail, posting on my blog, walking the dog (Oops! No dog here!)...what does He say? When I go to Him in a rushed time of prayer, trying to hurry and get all of it in, what does He say?

I think I can sometimes hear the Spirit whisper, "Stop talking!" (or looking at the computer, or yelling at your kids (do I do that?!), or whatever it is that's keeping you from Me). I'm glad He whispers those words. Maybe my kids would listen better if I whispered to them more often?

Sometimes, we need to just stop. Tell the Martha part of us to just chill out. It's time for Mary to kick in, take a seat, and just listen. Time to shut out the distractions and just sit at His feet. Do some learning of my own.

And when I do, I can also hear Him whisper, "Peace, be still." Words of wisdom for the journey, from the Master of the journey.

May His grace and peace be yours today...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Whose Map?

Have you ever noticed that God's path for our journey is not the one we would have chosen for ourselves? I'm not just talking about the "big" things, either (jobs, locations, church affiliations, etc.). I'm talking about the journey: the day-to-day places of our lives. Still confused? Let me illustrate.

Several years ago, while on my lunch break from work, I chose a booth away from the lunch crowd. I had been around crowds enough at work. I just needed some quiet for a few minutes. As I was finishing up the last of my fries, the Holy Spirit spoke very clearly to me: See that woman over there? The one carrying her tray away from the front counter? You need to go pray for her. My immediate reaction was: NO WAY! God, You know what a crazy morning it has been at the store. I am not going over there, disturbing some complete stranger's lunch, invading her privacy, only to look like a fool!

And why does it matter what anyone in this place thinks of you? You will probably never see any of these people again in your life.

By now, I was starting to get nervous. This was no joke. I am not a "go up to strangers and make conversation" kind of person. Ten years ago, I was even less that type of person! But if this was truly God speaking, how could I disobey?

So, with shaking knees, trembling hands, and a heart that was pounding like a drum...I obeyed. I walked right over to this woman and her friend, and said, "Excuse me. I'm not sure why, but I really feel God wanted me to come over and pray with you. Would that be okay?" She looked shocked (and who could blame her!?). But she said a quiet, "Yes." I honestly don't remember what I prayed for her. It was a short prayer. All I know is, when I finished, she had tears streaming down her face, said another quiet, "Thank you," and I left.

For the rest of that day, I felt so incredibly free! I had obeyed. The woman had been touched. And it hadn't hurt me a bit!

The next time came several years later. While standing behind an elderly woman at our credit union, I overheard her tell an employee, "I don't really know how to handle these things. He has always done all this." The employee assured her that he would personally make sure it was all taken care of. She was called next. I was called to a different teller. As I started to leave the building, there was that Voice again. You need to pray for her. I was in a hurry. I was embarrassed that I had overheard someone else's conversation. How could I pray for her?

I left the building, and walked halfway across the parking lot. I couldn't leave. I turned around and went back. She was just coming out into the entryway. Amidst much fear and trembling, I said, "I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am. But I really feel like I need to pray for you. Would that be okay?" She said, "Oh, please do!" So I did. When I finished my short little prayer, she told me her husband was in the last stages of cancer. She thanked me and hugged me. We both had tears. A few days later, I saw her husband's obituary in the newspaper. I mailed her a simple card, just to let her know I was still praying for her.

THOSE are God's ways of reminding us: you don't choose the path you take--I do. Should you choose not to take the path I direct you toward, others may miss out on something I have for them.

Yes, there have been more times of disobedience than obedience. Just recently, while on a family trip, I saw a man with a very obvious physical condition. He appeared to be in great pain. He was alone. The Lord spoke to my heart, "Go tell Him I love him." I was sitting with my children in a very busy stop area on the Ohio Turnpike, waiting for our food to arrive. There was no way I was leaving my children alone, so I could go talk to a stranger. However, once my husband arrived with the trays of food, I continued my list of excuses.

And I never made the move to talk to that stranger. O God, forgive me. I have prayed for that man many times since that day.

You see, our choices every day don't just affect our own lives. They affect our families, friends, co-workers, and, yes, even strangers.

May you walk according to God's road map today.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

In Memory of Their Journey...

In tribute to those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. For those who gave their lives trying to rescue others. For those who gave up their lives, so that others would not be killed. For those who continue to wage the battle on foreign soil, seeking those who took innocent lives. For those who gave their lives fighting for our freedom. To those who continue to work to make this a safer place for us and our children. May we never forget. May we never cease to honor them. May we never cease to pray...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

"Life" Overrules Blogland

I haven't forgotten my blog. Actually, I miss my blog, and all the great comments from my "blogland" friends.

However, I'm a home schooling mom. So, with school starting Tuesday, life has become a bit more hectic.

Never fear. I shall return!