Friday, May 08, 2009

Friday Meditation

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' " John 14:6

I read this quote today, and wanted to share it with my readers:

"Jesus, our Savior, true God and true man, must be the ultimate end of all our other devotions; otherwise they would be false and misleading. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and end of everything. 'We labor,' says Saint Paul, 'only to make all men perfect in Jesus Christ.'

For in Him alone dwells the entire fullness of the divinity and the complete fullness of grace, virtue, and perfection. In Him alone we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing; He is the only teacher from whom we must learn; the only Lord on whom we should depend; the only Head to whom we should be united and the only model that we should imitate. He is the only Physician that can heal us; the only Shepherd that can feed us; the only Way that can lead us; the only Truth that we can believe; the only Life that can animate us. He alone is everything to us and He alone can satisfy all our desires.

We are given no other name under heaven by which we can be saved. God has laid no other foundation for our salvation, perfection, and glory than Jesus. Every edifice which is not built on that firm rock is founded upon shifting sands and will certainly fall sooner or later. Every one of the faithful who is not united to Him is like a branch broken from the stem of the vine. It falls and withers and is fit only to be burnt. If we live in Jesus and Jesus lives in us, we need not fear damnation. Neither angels in heaven nor men on earth, nor devils in hell, no creature whatever can harm us, for no creature can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Through Him, with Him, and in Him, we can do all things and render all honor and glory to the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit; we can make ourselves perfect and be for our neighbor a fragrance of eternal life."
~St. Louis de Montfort

Have a blessed weekend!

1 comment:

marcy said...

How on earth do you manage two Blogs? I am one little blog is sometimes mind boggling (of course I'm not too sure I have a lot of mind to work with!)
Nice post and may you be blessed with a wonderful MOther's day.



p.s. Thank you for your sweet comments...God blessed me with this crazy sense of humor and I want to use this "gift" to hopefully bring others closer to Him, so I pray before I post now.