Thursday, April 02, 2009

Lent, Days 36 & 37

Yes, it's true that I didn't post yesterday. It had nothing to do with April Fools Day! We have had a crazy week here. However, yesterday's reading and today's reading go together so well, it's best to post them at the same time anyway! I'll just combine the readings, and get on with this post...

"If you remain in My word, you will truly be My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free...Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps My word will never see death." John 8:31b-32, 51

Those are truly potent words, aren't they? They clearly show us how powerful every word Jesus spoke is for our lives. When we read "in My word" today, we automatically think, "the Word of God--the Bible". And while that is true, we have to remember that at the time Jesus was telling these things to His disciples, the only Scriptures they knew were the Old Testament. There was no "Bible", per se. He literally meant the words He was speaking to them. His teachings. So let's take it from that perspective first.

* Remain in His word...keep believing and keep learning from everything He taught. You will know the truth, and you will be set free!

* Keep His word...don't stop doing it. You will never see death!

Hold on! What?! No death? Right! That's the joy of life eternal!

And where do we find these teachings? Starting at Matthew, work your way through the New Testament. In the first four gospels, you will find Jesus' life and teachings. That's the best place to start. If you continue into Acts, you will read the lives of His disciples, as they began teaching Jesus' words to others, and began living out what He had taught them personally. Then keep going...don't stop there! As you move into Romans and the books that follow, you will find more in-depth writing about how to live out the things Jesus taught. You will be free...and you will never see death? Yes. Not just because you're reading something. But if you're obedient to what you're reading (which is the whole point, after all)...then the freedom and the eternal life part will be evident. Diligence followed by true obedience. That's what it really means to trust His words. Trust Him enough to obey Him.

Because, the beauty of it is, we do have the Bible now...

Let's get started!

My offering(s) to God: I will read and study God's word daily. I will trust Jesus' words.

1 comment:

Pat said...

I was reading those very same verses in John this morning. There is nothing in this world that can make such a promise - eternal life. Trust and believe.