Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Season

So now that Lent is over, it is time to stop once again and reflect. God showed me a lot of things during these past few weeks. But the key is to integrate them into my life. For those of you who have traveled this Lenten journey with me, I hope these lessons are something God will help you weave into the fabric of your Christianity as well.

1. Forgiveness--given freely to all, as many times as needed. No limit. Christ's forgiveness toward us knows no bounds. Ours should reflect His.

2. Servanthood--Jesus gave of Himself over and over. That is what He calls us to do.

3. The cross--we should go through it, not try to go around it or just be near it. Jesus called us to the cross, even as He knew His destiny was the cross and all that meant.

4. Obedience--no matter what. Whatever He calls us to do is what we MUST do.

It's time to move on from Lent, and, as our deacon said so eloquently at the vigil: Let's be resurrection people every day!

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